LIM Sau Kong


An amateur photographer with tendency to write poem for the photo taken by myself.


《浩然之气》公园晨跑荒落处,眼前小径攀升深; 晨光洒落幽深处,傲树屹立绽光芒。

《小径之幽》雨后晨幽,阳光微弱, 潮湿味浓; 孤立的灯杆,默默地沉受着寂寞与孤独。

《分叉道上有感》 道尽沿湖绕,道旁树相陪; 潮湿长凳处,不见水波声。'Feeling at junction'Path end is joined to path around the lake, the trees are along the path. Listen from the wet bench, no sound from the wave of lake.

《小径之幽》清晨的阳光, 落在平静的湖面上, 落在广阔的草地上, 落在茂密的树叶上, 一片绿色入眼帘。 绿意生寂意, 幽静随寂生, 心中平和在此刻。

《道上》 路在林边伸长,林里青青幽幽; 步行者慢漫步,骑士疾如暴风。'On the road' The road is extended to front along the forest, the forest is green and silent. Pedestrain moonwalks slowly, the rider speed is as fast as storm.


《岩壁的寂寞》阳光辉耀照峭壁,壁缝枝叶露生气; 山峰城堡独憔悴,蔑视山下王已逝。