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Robb Johnson worked in advertising photography for over
25 years, specializing in creating visual environments for
national hotels. He decided to turn his visual focus inward
and pursue his own vision.

His work has been featured in B&W Magazine Spotlight
2007 and 2013; B&W Single Image 2005,2007,2008,2011,
2012 and 2013. He was featured in Silvershotz Folio 2008 and
2009; and Lenswork Magazine 2013. He is represented by
Weston Gallery, Carmel, California.

“I work with the journey we are all on; in a figurative mode of
expression, conveying a meaning other than the literal; using
symbolic figures, actions or places, my landscapes.

The journey is our lives, and we express ourselves on a stage
or our reality. I observe the environment around me in my travels
and capture fleeting moments of peoples’ lives and express
the feelings of these moments.

The narrative is about our life, universal yet very personal.”


Iron Horse

Drifting Away




Milonga Dream


We Buy Gold

Beber mas frio


Saya Gas

Grand Motel

Toccare Base


Liliana y Sabu
