
Interview with Xavier Rey

My interest in photography was born in 2005, following the meeting of the collective of photographers SPBordeaux

Please introduce yourself:

My name is Xavier Rey, I’m French and I live in south west of France, in Bordeaux last 5 years.

How did you get interested in photography?

My interest in photography was born in 2005, following the meeting of the collective of photographers SPBordeaux. Fascinated by the waterscapes, I directed my photographic work naturally to the long exposure to capture the moods of the atlantic coast.


Do you have an artistic/photographic background?

No, I didn’t do studies in photography, I am a self-taught photographer. I learned by experimenting with techniques, naturally.

How much preparation do you put into taking a photograph? Are you planning every step or is it always spontaneous?

It depends. Usually, when I took a picture is a very spontaneous way, a breakthrough meeting with a place. But it also happens to have a photograph in the head in relation to a place, but not be satisfied with the lighting conditions, exposure … So I return to this place several times in several hours of the day to get the terms I want.


 What was the inspiration for you to make black and white photographs in square format? Is it the only format that you prefer?

The discovery of great talents like M. Kenna for exemple, or other less known photographers gave me the taste for black & white and the square format. The square format is a format that suits me perfectly in terms of composition, the use of space, and the strength of an image. I see now square, and most of my pictures are in this format. But it happens sometimes use other formats depending on the type of photographs necessary…

I need to ask you about Julie, how is it to be in relationship with other photographer?

Julie is my wife, began photography together, and we also grew together. I think that is a strength and a wonderful opportunity to share a passion as photography with his wife. Indeed, we exchanged our opinions, advice, knowledge therm photography and direct competition is something exciting in our lives.


What does photography mean to you? What kind of emotions do you want to introduce to viewers?

The photograph has a very important part in my life is a moment of freedom, relaxation, a time when we are either at peace with itself. Photography is for me a vision of the author and I try to translate my vision of author in my work, with particular moods, feelings that have appeared obvious at the time of the shooting. When I make a photograph, I do not think people who are going to see is a personal work in agreement with myself, and I am very happy if after this work gives viewers emotions.

Could you tell our readers how to reach such excellent results in photography?

I have no secrets, I think that love photography and always wanting to do better. It is always important to be very self-critical. After must experiment with techniques, choose the good times and good places and have especially good light.


Do you work as a professional photographer or do you pursue the art as a hobby?

I have the status of a professional photographer this year but I continue, in parallel my prosthesis work, because my work as a photographer does not yet allow me to live my passion. For the future, I hope to live mainly photography.

What do you do in your life besides photography?

Outside of my professional activities, I take my children, my wife and my family. I also practice activities such as mountain biking or snowboarding.

What’s your favorite albums/photo books?

The last photo book I bought is the book of Josef Hoflehner “nine9.” The work of this photographer is really impressive.


Are you planning any exhibitions of your works in near future?

Together with other photographers, we have a collective, the collective 8Reg’ART (www.8regart.com). The purpose of this collective, is the promotion of Fine Art photography in France. Our first exhibition is scheduled for the end of October 2008. At the personal level, I have several projects expositions, but I would say you more time.

Is it possible to purchase your prints and, if so, where?

Of course, I realize personally fine art prints of most of my photographs. To purchase these impressions, just order it directly from my website (prints Fine Art www.xavierrey.com/crbst_125.html ). Since July 2008, I am also represented by the gallery De Lumiere et de Vent (www.delumiereetdevent.com) in Carteret, France where you can see some of my photographs and acquire.


What future plans do you have? What projects would you like to accomplish?

My project in the future would be to live my passion for photography while remaining free to do what I want. But in the meantime I continue my path, and I set a rule to always live photography as a passion, as a moment of pleasure.

Xavier Rey Official Website: