Please introduce yourself
Hello, I am Moises Levy, architect, photographer and printer; music and art enthusiast as well. I live in Mexico City where I got a college degree in architecture. Nowadays I run an architecture firm.
How did you get interested in photography?
I have always felt an attraction for light, shapes, textures and machines, photography gathers all these elements and has been the perfect media to express my curiosity for beauty and art, it has always allowed me to explore the subjects that captivate me in an intuitive but as well a rational way.

Do you have an artistic/photographic background?
No, I am the first photographer or artist in my family, but art’s world trapped me since my childhood.
Which artist/photographer inspired your art?
I have always felt a bond with minimalist photographers, I love when photography and drawing boundaries fade away, when extreme compositions seem as if they were drawn with carbon or pencil, it is here when my education as an architect influences my photographic work.
Michael Kenna’s scenes seem to be so cared that it looks like if such scenes where placed by him. Alfred Stiegletz’s and Edward Steichen’s platinum palladium prints have such control over light that they seem to be hand painted, I feel the same about their textures.

How much preparation do you put into taking a photograph? Are you planning every step or is it always spontaneous?
In my work I am very careful with the planning and the technical aspects, but afterwards when analyzing the images the creative side takes over and is when I decide about my next photographic sessions regarding subjects and technique. The creative side will always dominate the rest, this makes photography so interesting, you may plan a lot but never lose spontaneity.

What fascinates you in places that you shoot?
I enjoy quiet and lonely places where time becomes irrelevant, I don’t perform well when time is limited, quiet places allow me a close connection with the scene, and time acquires a different dimension.

Could you please tell us something about your technique and creating process?
My workflow is hybrid, some is digital and some is analogical, certain projects are based on one of these techniques but are always overlapped, I enjoy working with photographic film and my Hasselblad gear, but is a slow process due developing and scanning are time consuming, thus I also use digital Canon gear with manual focusing Carl Zeiss lenses.
On my opinion, printing is meaningful, I’ve been printing my work on platinum palladium, and I’ve being doing some photogravure lately, using positive and digital negatives.
Could you tell our readers how to reach such excellent results in photography?
Photography is a craft that is cultivated in a daily basis, learning how to watch, and being always aware of shapes, lights, and foresee the scenes before they occur, these happens in street photography and also in landscape photography, when visualizing an image foreseeing all the whole environment.
Perseverance is a quality that shall be developed; a good portfolio is gotten through many sessions and years of work.

What do you do in your life besides photography?
I am a passionate of music, drawing and architecture, I like to mix all this and see it as a whole. I am always thinking on which picture I would place on a certain place that I am building, or how different kind of pictures would affect the environment compared to others.

What future plans do you have? What projects would you like to accomplish?
I am planning a trip to Japan, to capture new and fresh scenes. I think there is a lot of interesting material to be captured in little visited places.
Besides I would like to develop a project about night cityscapes, I think night makes urban scenes cleaner.
Moises Levy Official Website: