
Interview with Lubomir Letko

My name is Lubomir LEKTO. I’m 33 years old self taught photographer. Born in Slovakia, I’m currently living in France since 2012.

Please introduce yourself

My name is Lubomir LEKTO. I’m 33 years old self taught photographer. Born in Slovakia, I’m currently living in France since 2012.
I have also lived in Ireland for 5 years from 2005 until 2010 where I have discovered my interest in photography for the first time.
I specialize in black and white long exposure photography, and I really like square format. Of course, I try to also take other kind such as pictures of the city’s architecture, etc.


How did you get interested in photography?

A friend of mine showed me some of his pictures. I found them really good. He initiated me when he let me try his camera. The idea of making pictures myself was born in my head. Not long after, 2 other friends came to visit me in Ireland. They both had camera and took pictures during their trip. The idea grew stronger in my head and I bought my first camera soon after they left. I would like to take the opportunity to thank these friends: Brice, Valérie and Stéphane.


Do you have an artistic/photographic background?

Before 2008, I have no artistic nor photographic background. I even didn’t understand the purpose of art until now. I was more interested in Sports. I now like and I have learnt to appreciate Art. Not only art in photography but art globally.


Which artist/photographer inspired your art?

As I wrote earlier, one of my friend was the first person to inspire me.

Then, I spent some time shooting every thing I could (macro, landscape, portrait, etc…) until I discovered long exposure black and white pictures and suddenly fell in love.

This led me to searching for more pictures on the Internet and I saw many photographers who also inspired me as well. I don’t remember their names. Today I still like to spend time watching the work of the others photographers and the list would be too long.

In between, I received some help from another friend of mine when I came back living in Slovakia between 2010 and 2012. He showed me a lot of technics on how to take photo and post-processing. He also helped me in making the decision of becoming an actual photograph. I’d like to thank you Luko.


How much preparation do you put into taking a photograph?

Before to go somewhere, I spend some time checking the interesting places around the location I have chosen. I usually don’t travel very far so it doesn’t take long.

I just study how to get there. Once I got there, I then study the place under different angles to see all the possibilities of pictures.

In the end, I post my camera and stay for few hours taking some pictures with different exposition. But I never forget checking the tides before to go anywhere on the Atlantic coast!


Which places have been your favourite shooting sites so far and why?

I have 2 favorites places:
– Plougrescant – Cote de Granit Rose : It is a beautiful place to only watch with a light house, it is a ‘must be seen’ according to me.
– Mont Saint Michel: You can look at it from any angle, it is a magical place.
I think whole Brittany itself ( in France ) is very nice at any time.


What do you do in your life besides photography?

Since May 2014, I don’ t have any other job and I focus only on photography. But not only landscape photography, I do wedding photography as well. Also, I spend time taking care of my 14 months old daughter and enjoying life.


What future plans do you have? What projects would you like to accomplish?

I’m currently working on new project: Abstract pictures that I’m very excited about and I wish that it will bring my success. It’s very different from what I’m doing now but I also fell in love with this kind of photography and I hope to be able to show you this work soon.
