Please introduce yourself:
Bernardo Medina, born in El Salvador, Central America, I have lived in Houston Texas most of my life.
How did you get interested in photography?
Photography is a source of inspiration for my Architectural projects, it lets me play with the perception of the outside world, it’s structures, forms, colors, illusions and cliches.

Do you have an artistic/photographic background?
Art is a way of experiencing the artfulness of an object; the object is not important, photography these days is evolving into a new art form that could only be compared to the painting techniques of the past.
Your playing with the perspective and colors is amazing, what other sources shapes your works?
I’ve become interested in the abstract feelings produced by colors and forms. Architectural spaces ussually affect the way we feel and behave, I believe that colors and forms are a medium which can convey the most subtle and complex feelings, and can give the viewer a sense of a particular place and time that goes beyond the visual expression of that place. I find alot of inspiration in the natural forms and colors.

Most of photographers have favorite light conditions, as well as time of day and season of year. When you are doing your photographs?
The painter ‘Carel Willink’ developed the style ‘het magisch realisme’ ( tranlation: magic realism). The way he used lighting did not follow the conventional rules, back then his work was unique, For me the challenge in producing a unique photograph is that, You can’t be on a hurry, You have to take the time to wait around for the perfect light. Many great photographs are produced only after taking the time to study a subject, learning when it looks best, and returning to photograph it under fantastic light. This is how a unique photo is made, is all about imagination.

How much preparation do you put into taking a photograph? Are you planning every step or is it always spontaneous?
Most of the times my photos start on paper as a concept, then I look for the location to photograph the image and produce it I look for the ‘light’ and then I take a picture, objects are nothing, light is everything, almost anything looks great under powerful light.

Your works have really unique style, can you tell our readers how to reach such excellent results?
I believe in the resonance and staying power of quiet photographs, Seeing simply is seeing significantly, in other words: ‘less is more’, sometimes the simpler the image the stronger the message.

Do you work as a professional photographer or do you pursue the art as a hobby?
Photogaphy records the passing of my imagination, that in itself has been a life long project, I have a love affair with photography.
What do you do in your life besides photography?
I’m an Architect, I design and build Night clubs and Restaurants. You can view my work here:
Are you planning any exhibitions of your works in near future?
Yes, I have a couple of Photo Shows coming up later this year in the USA, as well as Austria and China.

Can you tell us about the equipment that you use? (digital or traditional)
Mosty, digital photographic equipment ( Canon, Nikon ), anything from professional SLR’s to very simple ‘point & shoot’ digital pocket cameras. I use PC for post production editing.
Is it possible to purchase your prints and, if so, where?

What future plans do you have? What projects would you like to accomplish?
I’m finalizing negotiations for a photo-journal book of my traveling in China during the last 3 years.

Bernardo Medina Official Website: