Yohanes Ones 1


Passion and Statement
“Do What I Like To Do” are the words that have always provoked and inspired me to dream from many years ago while still being employed by a prestigious private company. My skills as an engineer requires physical and mental discipline, however my true passion shines through as an artistic inspiration ignited deep within my soul. As a junior student in high school, I sensed a powerful affection towards photography and this fascination intensified as I explored deeper into the photographic world. My dreams to pursue the fine arts consumed my thoughts and finally in 2011, I gathered the courage to change my career, stepping into a new dimension, vision, mission and passion for photography. My deepest love for the black and white format was the beginning stepping stone towards my future life.

Art Design and Concept
To create exceptional art, I research and pursue specific design concepts which are different from the existing styles of well recognized photographers. I prefer not to explore within the existing patterns, tastes and trends inside the photographic community as digital technology encourages fabricated images less organic than original ones. I prefer black and white impressions to show the artistic expression and interpretation of the natural.

My concept is not to duplicate the vast universe showcasing extraordinary illustrations of grand subject matter, but instead to present depth and strength in the smallest of natural elements. Fine arts photography for me is a distinction to be established on creativity, passion and responsibility of an artist. One must be able to create ideas, share imagination and introduce clarity for the audience. From there, we….the artists, should posses the ability to communicate happenings within nature, encouraging dialogue towards improvement and sustainability of the living world.

November 02, 2013 - January 05, 2014 - "The Edge of Borobudur", Fine Art Photography Solo Exhibition, Amanjiwo Art Room, Magelang - Central Java.
November 21 - 30, 2012 - "The Last Elephant In Java", Fine Art Photography Solo Exhibition, Cemara 6 Galeri, Menteng - Jakarta.
December 16 - 18, 2011 - "Fotonesia", Contemporary Photo Group Exhibition, Gandaria City Mall - Jakarta.



Meeting Point

Still There

Big and Small

Relief of Elephant 1

Small Wharf


White Cloud

Relief of Elephant 25

Small Boat

Black and White

Stand Alone



Relief of Elephant 2



White Morning



Flanked by Modernization

After Merapi Eruption

Go to the Fields


Together We Can

The Curve

Under the Tree

The Flow

The Wave of Savannah

Full Moon