

Tito Vilela hails from Portugal and the Mediterranean climate, particularly the warm sea, influences his photography.
His palette is rich with delicate color transitions, subtle metaphors, weaving textures, and his work reflects an old world attention to detail. " I sense as much as i see," Tito says," and with my camera i work to capture subtle and yet significant impressions of the world around me, particularly the Seas. from this point, I allow the image to grow in postproduction and a deeper human interest, perhaps one could call it underfined metaphors, develops something more of the mind but not of words. In the end, an Old World Sea evolves within the scope of a modern feeling, and subtle details charms us with gentle sentiment and playfulness."

Tito unabashedly describes himself as a perfectionist, and works assiduosly to make the most of his images. He extracts every inherent, sensitive detail in each image to preserve subtle forms, shaded lines, flickers of light, while maintaining the reality of his settings.

He is focused, dedicated, but also approachable. " I think for all the concentration i bring to my work, I maintain balance, and I'm proud to say my personality is as warm as the Mediterranean climate."
